
Showing posts from April, 2022

The final stretch

 We're almost done the group project :). We cut out and sanded the bench pieces and cut out part of the pieces for the shelves. It was a little trail and error with the tabs and sizing for the shelves but after making some adjustments in grasshopper and rhino we were able to get it done. It took a few hours for the tabs and holes because I did them partly in rhino and partly in grasshopper. I manually placed all the holes for the interior corners and adjusted the sizes to fit the thickness of the wood in rhino. Then I took the pieces into grasshopper and adjusted the thickness. It took a bit of time for it to load because of all the pieces. Thanks to Jess for making the tab grasshopper and Daniela for double checking my work.  The nested shelving unit. Daniela added some channels for the eventual addition of tables.  My edits to the grasshopper, changed the thickness and brepped the shapes from the rhino adjustments.  For some reason the list item didn't wanna work f...

Starting to come together

 Our group project is coming along now. we finalized the design so we are just making the shelves and a chair. We did a test cut of the maze pattern on the cnc so we could see how it looked and it turned out pretty well. We still have to cut the real deal out and build and paint it but I think we can do it.  edit. I also made a chart so we could figure out who can do cncing, painting, or building before the final day on april 8.